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Consolidated Draft now available for public review

The third and final installment of the draft of the County's development regulations is now available for review. New content in this installment includes land use application procedures, and general provisions, including nonconformities.

Transform Clark County

Project Kickoff Meetings scheduled for June 2020

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

An initial round of meetings with County Commissioners, Planning Commission members, Town Board and Citizen Advisory Council Members, and other stakeholders was planned for March, but have been postponed until June due to the COVID-19 crisis. Additional details will be posted as plans are finalized. 


Reuniones de Inicio del Proyecto Programadas para Junio de 2020

Para marzo se planeó una ronda inicial de reuniones con los Comisionados del Condado, los miembros de la Comisión de Planificación, los Miembros del Consejo Asesor de la Ciudad y del Consejo Ciudadano y otras partes interesadas, pero se pospusieron hasta junio debido a la crisis de COVID-19. Se publicarán detalles adicionales a medida que se finalicen los planes.

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